Playdate With a Plane and Pilot™
Let's talk planes! Airplanes are fascinating, and sitting in the cockpit with a real life pilot makes them that much better! Science and math come alive. A jetstream of questions begins. Kids have a blast seeing airplanes up close, and learn a lot too. Everybody can't stop smiling.

Playdates typically cover topics such as:
✈ The four forces that affect us in flight
✈ The magic of airfoils, Bernoulli, and how we get "lift"
✈ How does an engine work?
✈ Fuel: Where is it? What does it look/smell like?
✈ What makes a plane so stable when we fly?
✈ What do all those instruments do?
✈ A typical flight from takeoff to landing
✈ How pilots handle in-flight emergencies and why
✈ Everything you wanted to know about planes—ask away!
✈ The four forces that affect us in flight
✈ The magic of airfoils, Bernoulli, and how we get "lift"
✈ How does an engine work?
✈ Fuel: Where is it? What does it look/smell like?
✈ What makes a plane so stable when we fly?
✈ What do all those instruments do?
✈ A typical flight from takeoff to landing
✈ How pilots handle in-flight emergencies and why
✈ Everything you wanted to know about planes—ask away!
Have a blast in this fun version of "ground school" for kids, where everyone has time to absorb and ask questions. At least one parent or guardian must be present (and more than one for larger groups). Often the kids who would benefit most from STEM programs are the ones who couldn't afford to pay, so airport "playdates" are always free!
STEM Events
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math ... and a plane and pilot.
Find the Captain at these events or invite Captain STEM to your STEM event!
Questions? Contact Captain STEM.
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math ... and a plane and pilot.
Find the Captain at these events or invite Captain STEM to your STEM event!
Questions? Contact Captain STEM.